Matt Cutts is one of the well known SEO Industry leader for a very long time:
About Matt Cutts:
Wikipedia: Matthew Cutts is an American software engineer. He is the former head of the web spam team at Google, but is now working for the United States Digital Service as the director of engineering. On January 20, 2017, he became the acting administrator of the USDS. Wikipedia
My name is Suresh Babu and I am the Founder and CEO of Web Marketing Academy Bangalore. I have been meeting Matt Cutts since 2006 in various Search marketing conferences and events. Every time I meet with him, will try to do a video interview. Here is what Matt Cutts have mentioned in his blog in 2008. Since then he has been talking about the Importance of Google Local now Google my Business. You can see some of the videos below and in the link:
Suresh Babu caught me in the hallway and asked me about TrustRank, how to tell if your visitors are arriving from Google Local, and what SEOs should focus on in 2008 (I think local and mobile are good ideas). He also asked me about what January 1, 1969 means to Google. Props to Robin Liss for taking the video on an unfamiliar camera at the drop of a hat.” SOURCE: Matt Cutts blog:
In 2013, I had a fortune to spend some time with Matt Cutts after his keynote on his way to the airport. We discussed about Web Marketing Academy, OME Community The Online Marketing Enthusiast Community, India and talked about the difference between Google bots and Ad bot. So we went in the same car, while on the way to airport I recorded this video and asked a lot of questions related to Search, SEO, Google Ads, Importance of Google Web Master Guidelines.
Matt Cutts shares about Ad bots. Thank you @Mattcutts for spending the time with me. It’s always great to catch up with you. Will be posting a couple more video interview which I did with Matt Cutts soon.