09663730537 [email protected]

Digital Marketing Training in Bangalore

Become a Confident Digital Marketer – Learn from Basics to Advanced with Live Projects

80% of our students are referred by our alumni

  • One on One Classroom Training
  • Max 8 students in a batch
  • Updated Curriculum

This Course Includes

  • 150+ hours of Live Classroom sessions (*For Certified Digital Marketing Management Course )
  • Practical Training with Live Projects | Industry Casestudies
  • Placement Assistance
  • Soft Skills | Presentation | Story Telling | Mock Interview
  • Lifetime Mentorship

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Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore

Web Marketing Academy (WMA) is a classroom Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore (Indira Nagar) providing one popular course “Modern Digital Marketing Certificate Course” The course is designed for ambitious working marketing professionals, fresher’s, students, leaders, C-Suites, experienced sales & marketing executives, housewives, entrepreneurs, and small business owners looking to enter/upgrade/enhance their skills or to enter the new digital and social media industry. WMA provides practical hands-on training and education in Globally recognized Certificates in Digital, SEO, Google Ads, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Web Analytics that make you stand out. NEW! Customized Digital Marketing Courses available.

Instructor-led one on one Classroom Digital Marketing Training. You will learn to plan, strategize and measure successful Digital marketing campaigns following industry best practices and work on real-time live projects. Our job is to make YOU a confident digital marketer at the end of each Course.

Each Digital Marketing Course module is led by an instructor who is an expert and practitioners in their respective fields. We do this through in class, whiteboard explanations, videos, interactive sessions, live project, and real-time Q&A during and after the course. For more details please contact us on 09663730537 or write to us at [email protected]. Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/yNCJujuSmau


Digital Marketing Courses offered at Web Marketing Academy, Bangalore

The Learning Experience:

We learn through experience, by making mistakes, learning from each other with real projects.

Web Marketing Academy Placements Process

You will:

  • Get to practically create a website (No HTML knowledge required)
  • Work on a real live project as a group
  • Implement SEO, run Google ad campaigns
  • Create social media (organic and paid campaigns)
  • Learn how to tell a story in the different format of the content
  • Create content, videos, blogs, run email campaigns, with easy to use tools
  • Come up with a successful Digital Marketing Strategy/Plan
  • How to allocate the budget, find resources for all types of businesses
  • Measure the effectiveness of all digital campaigns take actionable insights through Google Analytics, which give you the confidence and experience you need to face this competitive world.

By the end of the Training, you have a portfolio/case study that YOU worked on during the course and that project is live. This is what your future employer or client like to see. You will be able to share the learnings, the mistakes you made, and the story behind it 

Graduates say:

  • 96% More confident in Digital Strategy & Execution
  • 4 in 5 developed stronger leadership capabilities
  • 2 in 3 have progressed their career including new jobs, promotions, increased pay & responsibilities

Resources to make an informed decision:

1. Learn more about The Scope of Digital Marketing in India
2. How to find the Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in India
3. Is Digital Marketing a Good Career option in India
4. Digital Marketing Course Fees in India

Looking to train your entire team? we have a solution for that, A Customized Corporate Digital Marketing, Social Media, Content Marketing Course for Businesses.

Live Projects for each module

5+ Globally accepted Certificates

150+ hours of live projects classroom training

150+ Hours of Hands-on Practical Classroom Training

Interview Assistance

Digital Marketing Course Curriculum

Web Marketing Academy provides modern Digital Marketing Training in Bangalore. Globally recognized Digital Marketing certificate programs. At WMA we help you develop the necessary Digital Marketing skills in today’s digital-first world.

  • You’ll be trained from the basic concepts, get to practice, implement them through practical assignments & gain hands-on experience by working on live projects.
  • By the end of the Digital Marketing Course, you’ll know how to develop a digital marketing strategy to be at the forefront of the competition. Read more detail about what you will learn in the module tabs.
Concepts of Digital Marketing
  • Overview of Digital Marketing
  • The What and Why of Digital Marketing
  • Introduction to Channels in Digital Marketing
  • Advantages and disadvantages for each channel
  • Scope & Career options in the Digital Space
  • What is Buying cycle? How it is relevant to Digital Marketing?
Website Planning
  • Introduction to Websites
  • Difference between Website and blogs
  • Importance of Websites
  • Pre-requisites for a website
  • Elements of Website
  • Website Layout Planning
  • Building a wireframe for the Website
Wordpress Website Designing
  • What is Domain, Sub-Domain, and Hosting
  • What are TLD’s and Domain Extensions
  • Shared Hosting Vs Dedicated Hosting
  • What is CMS (Content Management System)?
  • What are the different types of CMS?
  • Introduction to WordPress
  • Free Themes v/s Paid Themes
  • What are plugins? Importance of plugins
  • Widgets, Menus, and Settings
  • How to Customise a Website & Build Layouts
  • Pages v/s Posts
  • Difference between Http and Https
  • Integration of Tracking Tools (Search Console and Analytics)
Content for Website
  • Introduction to Content
  • What are the Different Formats of Content
  • How to Write Content for a website
  • What is CTA & the importance of CTA
  • How to get Free images for your Website?
  • List for free stock photo websites for Commercial Use
  • Tools to Create Banners and Videos for Website
  • Content creation & Analysis Tools
Affiliate Marketing
  • Introduction to Affiliate Marketing
  • What is Affiliate marketing and how it works
  • Difference between Advertiser, Publisher and Affiliate networks
  • How to make money through Affiliate Programs
  • How to signup for Affiliate networks and Integrate with a website
  • What are the Pre-requisites for Affiliate marketing?
  • Top affiliate marketing platforms in India
  • How to create an effective affiliate Strategy?
  • Introduction to Google Adsense
  • Adsense vs Other Ad Networks
  • How Adsense works?
  • Adsense approval Process
  • Adsense account setup and interface
  • Different types of ad networks
  • How to integrate ads in a Website/Blog
  • How to Monetize a blog/website through Adsense
Fundamentals of SEO
  • Introduction to SEO
  • History of the Internet and how it got Started
  • Types of Search Engines and How it works
  • SEO Techniques
  • Different types of SEO
  • White hat, Black hat, and Grey hat SEO
  • What is Google Crawler/Bot?
  • Google Algorithm and its importance
  • Understanding webmaster guidelines and use-cases
  • On-page SEO and its steps
  • What is Page rank and its importance
  • Off page SEO and Strategy
  • Google Algorithm updates [Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird, Rankbrain and more]
  • Different types of keywords and the importance of keywords in SEO
  • How to do Keyword Research and tools to use
  • When and where to use: Transactional keywords & Informational Keywords
  • Title Tag, Meta description, Anchor Links, Header tags
  • Image and Video Optimisation
  • What are Backlinks? How to build an effective Backlink Strategy
  • Do’s and Dont’s of link building
  • Universal SEO [Youtube Video Optimisation, Image, PPTs, and Audio Optimisation]
Voice Search Optimisation
  • Introduction to Voice SEO
  • What is Voice Search?
  • Importance of Voice Search in 2019
  • Voice Search vs Personalised Search
  • What is Position zero?
  • How to achieve position zero?
  • What is EAT?
  • Importance of Structured Data
  • Optimizing your content for Voice SEO
  • How Alexa and Google Home work
Local SEO
  • What is Local SEO? How it works
  • NAP Listings
  • How to optimize a local business
  • Business listing on GMB (Google My Business)
  • Getting verified on GMB
  • Posts, Events & Product listings
  • Importance of Google Reviews
  • GMB Analytics
Advanced SEO
  • What is a Sitemap? Different types of Sitemap
  • XML, HTML Sitemaps and its importance
  • What is AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)?
  • How to create an AMP site
  • Robots.txt
  • Http Status Codes ( 404, 301, 503 …)
  • Advanced Search Operators and how to use it
  • What is the Knowledge Graph?
  • What are the featured snippets? Types of featured snippets
  • Zero Results, Answer Box
  • How to rank in the featured snippets?
  • Page speed optimization
Technical SEO
  • What is Schema markup?
  • Different types of Schema
  • How to implement Schema Markup?
  • What is structured data? Importance of structured data in SEO
  • Rich snippets, Rich Cards, Carousel
  • What are Broken links? How to find Broken links?
  • Search console: The tool & how to use it
  • Handling AMP errors
  • Search Analytics and how to analyze the data
  • What is 301 Redirection? How to implement it?
  • Introduction to Blogging
  • Evolution of blogging
  • Web 2.0
  • What is a blog?
  • Why blogging? – Importance of blogging
  • Blogging for business
  • Different Blogging Platforms
  • Who can blog?
  • Blog topic ideas
  • Tools for blogging
  • Formats
  • Structure of a blog
  • What makes a good blog
  • Examples of good blog
Content Development & Marketing
  • What is Content?
  • Formats of Content
  • How we consume content
  • Best practices for content
  • Brainstorming for content
  • How to come up with Content
  • Content plan/strategy
  • Content Calendar
  • Content Marketing
  • Tools to come up with content
  • Analyzing Content Performance
SEO Auditing
  • What is SEO Audit?
  • Importance of SEO Audit
  • How to perform an SEO audit for a website
  • Manually Auditing a Website (without using tools)
  • Auditing using Tools
  • SEO Tools
  • Ahrefs, Moz, SEMRush, Screaming Frog
  • Pagespeed Analysis Tools
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Backlink Analysis for your website and competitor site
  • SEO Audit Report and best practices
  • Building an SEO strategy based on Audit Report
Google Smart Campaigns
  • What are Smart Campaign?
  • Why Smart Campaigns
  • Types of Smart Campaigns
  • How to set up a Smart Campaign
  • Who should use Smart Campaigns?
  • Insights and Reporting
Google Search Advertising
  • Introduction to Search Network
  • Importance of Quality Score and Ad Rank
  • Campaign Structure and its importance
  • Understanding Campaign Goals to reach business objectives
  • Campaign Settings
  • Types of Bidding Strategies
  • Types of Ad-copies
  • Ad-Extensions
  • Keyword Planner
  • Keyword Research for Google Ads
  • Setting-up a Search Campaign
  • Ad scheduling and Budgeting
  • Keyword Match Types and its importance
  • Setting up Conversion Tracker
  • Negative Keywords and how to use them effectively
  • Search Term Report
  • How to use auction Insights for Competitor Analysis
  • Analyzing Campaign Performance
  • Campaign Optimization
  • Campaign Analysis and Reporting
Google Display Advertising
  • Introduction to Display Network
  • Targeting Options in Display Network
  • Ad Formats in Display
  • Campaign goals
  • Display Ads vs Video Ads
  • Campaign Settings
  • Types of Bidding Strategies
  • Analyzing Campaign Performance
  • Campaign Optimization
  • Campaign Analysis and Reporting
Youtube Advertising
  • Types of Ads on Youtube
  • Types of Video Ads
  • Skippable v/s Unskippable Ads
  • Bidding Strategies
  • Campaign Settings and Features
  • Campaign Optimisation
  • Campaign Analysis and Reporting
Shopping Ads (E-Commerce Ads)
  • What are Shopping Ads?
  • Who can do Shopping Ads?
  • Benefits of Shopping Ads
  • How shopping ads work
  • What is a Google Merchant Account?
  • Setting-up a Google Merchant Account
  • Importance of product feed and how to create and update?
  • Setting up Shopping Campaigns
  • Campaign Analysis & Optimization
Mobile App Advertising
  • What are the Universal App Campaigns
  • Who can do them?
  • Setting up the Campaign
  • Features of UAC
  • How to increase app install through paid campaigns
  • How to promote your app on Search,& Display Network & Google Play store
  • Campaign analysis and optimization
  • Reporting
  • Remarketing v/s Dynamic remarketing
  • Setting-up Remarketing Tags
  • Creating Remarketing Lists
  • How to create a remarketing campaign for Search, Display and Video Ads
Facebook Marketing
  • Facebook History
  • How Facebook Newsfeed works (Facebook Algorithms)
  • Facebook for Business
  • How to optimize Facebook Business page
  • What is facebook custom tabs? How to integrate it?
  • Types of Facebook Groups
  • Difference between Profile, Page, and Groups
  • How to do Facebook Competitor Analysis?
  • Tools for Competitor Analysis
  • What is Facebook Branded Content? Who should do it?
  • What is Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin?
  • How to integrate it in the website?
  • Types of Facebook posts
  • Facebook post – Best practices
  • What is Canvas/Instant Experience? How to create it?
  • How to schedule a post on Facebook?
  • Tools for scheduling posts
  • Facebook Creator Studio – How to use it?
  • Facebook Sound Collection
  • How to plan a content calendar for your Business
  • How to create an engaging post?
  • What are Facebook Insights?
  • Analyzing Facebook Insights
  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • Types of Facebook Ads
  • Facebook Remarketing
  • What is Facebook pixel? How to integrate it?
  • How does Pixel work
  • How to track conversions from your Facebook ads
  • Types of Facebook Audience
  • Facebook Ads – Best Practices
  • Facebook Business Manager
  • Facebook Ads for Local Business
  • Facebook Store Visits Campaigns
  • Facebook Product Catalog
  • Facebook advertising for E-commerce
  • How to integrate Instagram Shopping from Facebook
  • Facebook Ads Analysis & Reporting
Linkedin Marketing
  • What is Linkedin?
  • Why Linkedin?
  • Importance of a good Linkedin Profile
  • Linkedin Profile Optimisation
  • The Linkedin Profile URL structure
  • Linkedin Profile Badge
  • Types of Posts on Linkedin
  • Importance of Articles on Linkedin
  • Degrees of Connection and why it’s important
  • Career Advice
  • Salary Insight
  • Social Selling Index
  • Jobs on Linkedin
  • Creating Job Alerts
  • Types of Messages on Linkedin
  • Types of Accounts on Linkedin
  • Other Linkedin Products
  • Linkedin Groups
  • Linkedin Power Power Profiles & Influencers
  • Company Pages on Linkedin
  • Affiliate Linkedin Company Pages
  • Company Page Analytics
  • Linkedin Content Suggestions
  • Linkedin Advertisements & Types
  • Linkedin Target and Bidding Options
  • Linkedin Ad Tracking and Reporting
Instagram Marketing
  • Instagram History
  • Why Instagram?
  • Instagram Algorithm
  • How to use Instagram for Business?
  • Optimizing Business Profile (BIO)
  • Types of posts on Instagram
  • Good practices / Optimizing Instagram post
  • Branded Content
  • Instagram Insights (How to check and Analyse)
  • Instagram Stories
  • How to get engagement through Stories
  • Instagram Story Highlights
  • What is IGTV?
  • Why IGTV?
  • How to optimize IGTV Video
  • Instagram Ads
  • Types of Ads
  • Pre-requisites to do Ads
  • Tools for creatives and stories
  • Tools for Scheduling post
Youtube Marketing
  • Importance of Youtube
  • Importance of Video Optimization on Youtube
  • How to monetize through Youtube?
  • Youtube Channels
  • Youtube Community
  • Youtube Stories
  • Youtube Live
  • Case Study on a Youtube Channel
  • Youtube Creator Studio
  • Youtube Analytics
  • Youtube Channel Settings & Customisations
  • Youtube Video Manager Features
  • What is Quora?
  • How Quora works
  • How to answer a question
  • Quora ads
  • What makes a good answer
  • Strategy for Quora
  • Importance and role of Quora in SEO
  • Twitter History
  • Why Twitter?
  • Importance of Twitter
  • How to use Twitter for Business?
  • How to optimize your Business profile
  • Good practices for tweeting
  • Understanding of Lists and Moments
  • Successful Brand case studies
  • Twitter Insights
  • Twitter Ads
  • What is a Podcast?
  • Importance of Podcasting
  • Pre-requisites for a Podcast
  • Optimizing a Podcast
  • Podcast Marketing
  • Performance Analysis
Email Marketing
  • What is E-mail Marketing?
  • Types of E-mail
  • What is ‘Bounce’?
  • Types of Bounce
  • What is Spam?
  • Reasons why your emails land in spam.
  • List Management
  • Content Development
  • E-mail Templates
  • Overview of E-mail Marketing Tools
  • Types of Automation in Email Marketing
  • A/B Test
  • Reporting
  • Introduction to Web Analytics
  • Importance of Web Analytics
  • Google Analytics account set-up for a website
  • Embedding tracking code on a website
  • Difference between Account, Property, and views
  • Defining KPI’s
  • Measuring KPI’s
  • Real-time data tracking
  • Understanding Consumer Behaviour through Audience insights
  • Customer Lifetime Value Metric Report
  • Understanding Acquisition Channels
  • Analyzing and Understanding Website Insights
  • Linking of other accounts
  • Importance of Campaign URL Builder and its usage
  • Defining Goals, Conversions & Events
  • Multi-channel funnel and E-commerce tracking
  • Attribution Models and its usage
  • Difference between Properties & Views
  • Creating Views
  • Applying Filters to Views
  • Creating Custom Alerts
  • Custom Reports and Dashboards
  • Using Web Analytics Data to come up with future marketing strategies and plans
Digital Marketing Strategy.
  • Understanding the product
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Why, what, when and how of the business
  • How to identify the platforms
  • Identifying the Target Audience
  • Allocation of budget
  • Identifying the Resources
  • Duration of the Campaigns
  • Coming up with a Campaign (sales) pitch
  • Identifying formats of content
  • Planning a calendar
  • Analyzing historical data
How to Get Freelance Projects
  • How to make a career through freelancing?
  • How to source clients?
  • How to approach/pitch to a client?
  • Proposal and Budgeting
  • Costing
  • Proposal & Reporting Templates
Story Telling
Digital Marketing Tools
Mock Interviews
Resume Preparation
Interview Preparation
Blogs & Resources

Digital Marketing Course Certifications

Google Adwords Certification

Inbound Marketing Certification

Content Marketing Certification

Email Marketing Certification

Who should do Digital Marketing Course?

Sales and Marketing managers & execs:

This is for you if you are aiming at expanding your digital understanding, knowledge and develop digital strategy for your company. Irrespective of your role as Sales & Marketing professional, Advertising professional, Brand Managers, media planner, etc., if you are creating a Marketing campaign strategy without considering Digital is not an option anymore in todays Digitized world. It is a must required skill and one needs to develop an in-depth understanding of this channel to plan, implement & execute workable strategies around Brand awareness and Quality Lead generation. Even if you are a Digital Marketer and need to update yourself on the latest trends and updates as its an ever-evolving field.

Non-marketing professionals:

Looking for an exciting career change and make a shift into the most dynamic & interesting field which offers immense creativity and tests the analytical side of you. Moreover, one doesn’t require any technical knowledge to get started. This is booming job market and companies are focusing on digital marketing to expand reach and looking to hire Digital marketers.

Graduates / Students:

No matter what your academic specialisation is, if you are fascinated towards Digital Marketing and like to be then agent of change in this ever-evolving field which will give you opportunities to use your creative skills. Most colleges and universities are not equipped with the in-depth understanding of Digital media & don’t offer practical cases to get your hands dirty. The best way out is doing a full-time, classroom course and get hands-on-experience by working on live projects. Digital Marketing offers good scope and various job opportunities with industry standards pay packages. You can choose to join the IT industry, E-commerce, etc. or be a freelancer to earn the extra bucks while you are working. The options are endless.

Entrepreneurs / Business Owners:

Digital marketing is flexible If you are a small and medium business with limited or no budget. If you are looking at creative & innovative ways to reach out to your Prospective audience and convert them into customers, promote your business online, increase sales & ROI then this is a must to learn skill. We will ensure that you become an expert to manage all this on your own as you cannot have someone else doing it for you always.

Digital Marketing Career Options

Social Media Management Roles:

These roles mostly responsible for managing various Social media networks of the company. You could be a:

  1. Social Media Coordinator – to manage a posting schedule for day to day posting on various platforms.
  2. Social media Strategist – whose job is to decide which social media platforms to use, what type of content to post and where, to maximise and attract relevant prospects, convert into leads & ROI. Also its imp to understand where the audiences are (data analyst can be of help here) & accordingly strategies the social campaigns.
  3. Community Manager – this role primarily responsible to manage relationship with current & future followers and manage the community of the followers with frequent engagements with your content. Monitor platforms or online forums with regular engagements, answer queries of followers, consider valuable comments and mitigate negative feedbacks and views.
Content Marketing Roles:

This involves Content creation, strategizing and managing the overall Content curation (basis the technology or publishing platform) process for the company. If you think you have the flair for writing or developing content then you may want to look of opportunities with the following entry, mid & management level titles respectively:

  1. Content Creator
  2. Content Strategist
  3. Content Marketing manager

This is one of the most imp Digital Marketing skill of 2018.

PPC or AdWords Analyst or Manager:

This role requires technical skills in paid media and a certification in Google AdWords. This role will run pay per click ads for the company or will manage PPC accounts of various clients in an agency or will have a team to manage for paid promotions & keep the budgets in check. Will also be responsible for AdWords analytics to check what works well & what not.

SEO Marketing Manager:

Having data insights & content creators is not enough! Company’s look for experts who can work closely with the above roles & use the insights, apply them in the content and then optimize for the search engine. With ever changing ranking algorithms it gets imp to rank high on the search engines. There are 3 specific search roles available in the market like:

  1. SEO Specialist – who optimizes content in coordination with Content Creators
  2. SEO Strategist – they work closely with the Data analysts to refines the SEO efforts
  3. SEO Marketing Managers – this role specifically help monitor, manage and track the SEO Performance of all types of content on the website.
Creative Management:

These roles are for people who are responsible for Visual content or Multimedia for a brand. They are people who create brand style & storytelling powers by producing visual content like, videos, images, Infographics, logos, etc. These Roles are:

  1. Creative Assistant
  2. Digital Brand Manager

People who closely engage with designers, copywriters, sales & marketing teams to come up with a Products and services vision, branding ideas, Ad Campaigns & messaging is titled as: 3. Creative Director (management level)

Digital Marketing Manager:

These are people who are responsible for reaching the relevant audience for the respective business. And analyse every metric about the way the audience consume your content on various online marketing tools and analyse ROI on the content spend. So you can categorize this into 3 levels (entry, mid & management Level):

  1. Marketing Data Analyst
  2. Marketing Technologist
  3. Digital Marketing Manager

Want expert suggestions about your Digital Marketing Career - Call Us @ 09663730537

Training Methodology

Digital Concepts

Key to mastering any subject is to get the fundamentals right. We focus and ensure that all the students are clear on the basic essential concepts of the subject before moving ahead.

Hands-on Live project

Theory learning gets complimented when one gets to practice, implement & derive desired results. That’s where live projects help where students get to practice and get familiar with various tools, interface and its real-time functionality.


All the learned & earned knowledge needs evaluation from industry known authorities and this is where Certification plays a major role. Its also a good thing to add on to one’s resume for job applications.

Placement Assistance

We help and support students in their job hunt & also assist them with resume preparation, interview questions, body language, interview handling tips, etc.

Reviews by Students — Rated 4.7* out of 5*

Are you Looking for the

“Best Digital Marketing Training Institute in Bangalore”

Checkout the Reviews by our Students sharing their experience about their training and journey at WMA

“I really liked their way of teaching Digital Marketing. Limited students per batch with a practical approach and mentorship. It’s totally worth of money and time spending here.”


“I feel this is the right place for anyone who is looking for making their career in online marketing.”


“My advice to anyone considering the web marketing course is ‘do it.’ Just do it. If you’re interested in marketing and how to communicate online, do it.”


“I came to Bangalore from Delhi just for this Digital Marketing course and must say, this has been the worth of my time and money.”


“Here you learn Digital Marketing with lots of fun and the faculties are ready to help any time even after the completion of course also.”


“Web Marketing Academy is the best digital marketing academy in Bangalore -India, Suresh Babu is Simply Awesome just talk with him you will find your Life and Career.”


For Digital Marketing Course Details – Contact us