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Original source: Busines Insider:

Originally posted in Business Insider

An original article from business insider

Disclaimer: This was originally posted by Business Insider.

I am going to take snippets of this article relate this post for Digital Marketers, our students, and future students.

“Harvard Business school online and City Square Associates surveyed 1,000 people to determine how prepared people are for the coming recession. Turns out, two out of every three people surveyed reported they are not”
Read more at:

The article says: 

  1. Start focusing on excelling in your current role to avoid layoffs during a recession
    Harvard Business School Online says it’s important to “demonstrate your worth.” For example, start developing skills that will give you a leg up at your company. Make yourself irreplaceable and become an asset, and it may pay off when a recession hits”

    So, how can a digital marketer start developing these skills and make yourself irreplaceable? If you are responsible only for Google ads in your role, develop a skill on showing numbers/metrics that will be valuable for the business and learn how to present to the board.
    (Two skills you are going to develop. 1. Learning in-depth Google analytics on what matters for business. 2. How to present, not your normal presentation skills with PPT, but presenting your numbers with stories)

    Resources: (These are lengthy posts but useful posts. You should bookmark these blog posts)
    – https://www.kaushik.net/avinash/digital-marketing-and-measurement-model/
    – https://www.kaushik.net/avinash/storytelling-with-data-simplify-focus-visualize-outcomes/

  2. Start networking consistently to maintain contacts in multiple places
    “First, ping your family and friends for contacts they may have in industries that interest you, ” Second, join professional networks”

    So, how can a digital marketer start network consistently? We have a lot of friends and family who can really help, all you need to do is ask, yes some of them might gossip, but that’s another smart way to network too, use it, at the same time, you should also be helpful.

    – LinkedIn, Whatsapp groups, Facebook groups, PMIT
    – Head Start, Your Story Events, Facebook local events, Book my show.

  3. Start a side hustle now so you have a safety net in case of a layoff
    These side businesses could help you make ends meet during a recession, and it might even turn into a lucrative full-time endeavor”

    So, how can a digital marketer start a side hustle? Well, look at your hobbies and what are you good at, some of our students are good at writing articles, sketch artists, good in graphic design. Ask your friends and family, or post it in your status update saying if you can help businesses, individuals in their creatives

    sign up with a service like Fiverr or upwork a free sign up for freelancer

  4. Start cutting your luxury expenses to create an emergency fund
    You need to cut back on expenses, like a shopping spree, cable TV”

    So, how can a digital marketer create an emergency fund? This is straight forward, cut down on spending that you don’t need

    Use free resources like Canva, Google My Business to save on creative expenses

  5. Start updating and refining your resume in case you lose your job
    Half of the people do not have resumes updated and 21% are not ready to look for a job at a moment’s notice”

    So, how can a digital marketer refine your resume? LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram is a great place to update your resume. I tell my students that your LinkedIn is a living resume, don’t wait for the last minute, keep updating your LinkedIn profile as and when you learn a new skill add it to your LinkedIn profile

    LinkedIn posts, Instagram bio and daily updates with something useful for your friends and family, Blog- This would be the right time to start a blog all free of cost, just start documenting your life on how you are struggling and getting through those struggles. Showcase you know Digital Marketing by sharing useful information

Bonus: Start developing new skills by taking up these updated Digital Marketing Courses for Free Online:

Free Resources to get started in Digital Marketing:

* Google Free Certificate course: https://learndigital.withgoogle….

* Google Free YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/lea…

* Hubspot academy: http://academy.hubspot.com/certi…

* Moz Blog: https://moz.com/blog

* Search engine land: http://searchengineland.com/

* Podcast: Neil patel: http://neilpatel.com/podcast/

* Web Marketing Academy Blog: http://bit.ly/1O2c9uy

* Digital India Podcast: http://bit.ly/2r3fPM8