09663730537 [email protected]

Corporate Digital Marketing Training

Custom Corporate Digital Marketing Training Programs

Web Marketing Academy has designed this corporate digital marketing training program for Marketers of tomorrow. The new age curriculum we offer puts us ahead in this innovative movement in digital learning space.

This course will help develop stronger leadership capabilities in the high performing executive, and organizations who are looking to train their employees in digital/social/new media marketing.

Customized Corporate Digital & Social Media Training & Workshops:

All of our Digital, Content & Social media corporate trainings are customized according to the Business objective, goals & KPI’s

Instructor-led Face-to-face Training     

In-person training is the traditional way and has its strong foundations rooted in the learning process for many corporates and institutions and it has its own clear advantages:

  1. Learn from Each other
  2. Detailed group discussions and debates regarding subject topics.
  3. Encourages interaction, exchange of ideas and viewpoints.
  4. Understand Peoples perspective, body language, facial expression, and most importantly behavior.
  5. Networking
  6. Exchange handshakes, conversations, best practices and expand the social network
  7. Focus and Engagement –
  8. Real-time chat with the trainer,
  9. Practice & implement strategies,
  10. Compliments focus, keeps you engaged, involved and attentive & encourages better results.
  11. Ability to have 1-to-1 interaction with the instructor 

Sample Program Content:

Digital Marketing Plan

  • Introduction to digital marketing
  • Digital marketing strategies & plan
  • Concepts of digital/mobile marketing
  • Digital marketing budgeting
  • Digital marketing for B2B, B2C
  • Web marketing department  When to do things in-house vs. hire a consultant
  • Global, local web marketing strategies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • How search works
  • Webmaster guidelines
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • SEO best practices
  • On page/off page optimization
  • Latest updates in SEO
  • Rank Brain Algorithm
  • Google Panda/Penguin updates
  • Latest algorithm & Future of Search
  • Voice SEO
  • Google local /Map Listings
  • Universal search
  • Optimizing images, videos & other formats

Google Ads (Pay Per Click – PPC)

  • Introduction to Ad words
  • Google Ad words: Paid Search, Display advertisement, Video ads, Remarketing
  • Difference between search & display
  • Account management
  • Ad rank/Quality score
  • Keyword research & tools
  • Ad Formats
  • Campaign structure
  • Match types
  • Conversion tracking
  • Analytics

Social Media Marketing

  • Introduction to social media
  • Online PR & Reputation Management
  • Social media case studies
  • Which channel works for your industry
  • How Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest works
  • Social media for business
  • Social media plan
  • How the advertisement works
  • Budgeting
  • Content & format for each channel
  • Blogging for business
  • How to increase fans, followers, likes
  • Social media policy
  • Social media measurement model
  • Social media monitoring & listening
  • Business case studies
  • Tools like Hootsuite, Radian 6
  • Social media influence on search engines


  • Why content is key to digital marketing
  • Content marketing plan
  • Content for SEO/PPC/Social media
  • Formats of content
  • Content optimization
  • How to create engaging content
  • Tools free and paid tools
  • Measuring content
  • Content for the website, landing pages, email campaigns, call to actions

Video Marketing

  • Video production for content
  • Facebook Live Videos
  • Video Marketing & optimization

Digital analytics

  • Introduction to Google analytics
  • Defining key metrics & KPI’s
  • Digital marketing measurement model
  • Tools
  • What, when, how and why to measure
  • Measuring all the digital marketing activities
  • How to measure, benchmark & track ROI’s
  • Actionable insights from analytics
  • Reports that matters to the management, stakeholders, managers, team
  • Measuring business objectives, goals and key performance indicators (KPI’s)
  • Google URL builder & shortener
  • End to end reporting

Corporate Digital Marketing, Social Media, Content Marketing Clients:








All participants will get their Certificate of Participation.
Live Project & case studies


  • Recommended 3-5 full days

Based on the training objectives, our training fees might go from 1 Lac to 1.5 Lacs per day + taxes per day for up to 15 participants