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Blogs, Books & Websites Every Digital Marketer Should Follow (UPDATED 2016)

Web Marketing Academy Ditial Marketing Blogs and Websites to Follow

Digital Marketing Books to Read in 2016

Question from our Students : What books do I need to read in order to stay updated with the current digital marketing trends ?

Answer: The Internet is a Sea of Information, but here are some hand picked resources that will help you to stay up-to-date with the current marketing trends

Welcome to the 43rd episode of Digital India Podcast on FIR Podcast Network. This show is ‘Weekly Updates’ brought to you by staff and students of Web Marketing Academy

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  1. Ask Gary Vee Audio Book: http://bit.ly/askgaryaudio.
    Amazon Link: http://www.amazon.in/AskGaryVee-Entrepreneurs-Leadership-Social-Awareness/dp/0062273124/ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8
  2. Hug Your Haters: http://www.jaybaer.com/hug-your-haters/Amazon Link: http://www.amazon.in/Hug-Your-Haters-Complaints-Customers-ebook/dp/B00Z8VTP5M
  3. Mark Schaefer, Content Code: http://www.amazon.in/The-Content-Code-essential-strategies/dp/0692372334My Interview with Mark Schaefer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lAO9Z32tKM
    Audio Book: http://www.audible.com/pd/Business/The-Content-Code-Audiobook/B0124F05FS/ref=a_search_c4_1_1_srTtl?qid=1458906078&sr=1-1
  4. Everyone Writes Amazon: http://www.amazon.in/Everybody-Writes-Creating-Ridiculously-Content/dp/1501200607 Audio Book: http://www.audible.com/pd/Business/Everybody-Writes-Audiobook/B00PKOQM76/ref=a_search_c4_1_1_srTtl?qid=1458906114&sr=1-1
  5. Jab Jab Jab Right Hook: http://www.amazon.in/Jab-Right-Hook-Story-Social/dp/006227306X
  6. Content Inc: Audio book: http://www.audible.com/pd/Business/Content-Inc-Audiobook/B015GF23EY/ref=a_search_c4_1_1_srTtl?qid=1458906245&sr=1-1
    Amazon: http://www.amazon.in/Content-Inc-Entrepreneurs-Successful-Businesses/dp/125958965X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1458906269&sr=1-1&keywords=content+inc
  7. Resonate: http://www.duarte.com/book/resonate-legacy/
    Amazon  : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0470632011?ie=UTF8&tag=slideology-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0470632011
  8. The Mobile Playbook: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0470632011?ie=UTF8&tag=slideology-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0470632011
  9. Power Forward: http://www.amazon.in/Power-Forward-My-Presidential-Education/dp/1476763348
  10. Audacity to Win: http://www.amazon.in/Audacity-Win-Obama-Party-Limbaugh/dp/0143118080/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1459179038&sr=1-1&keywords=audacity+to+win

You can share your feedback at: [email protected]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/webmarketingacademy

Host : Suresh & Drushti

Editor  : Bharani 

Which websites/blogs should I read to get information about Digital Marketing, SEO?

http://www.seomoz.org/blog – Another great resource for search. Watch their White Board Friday  Videos

http://blog.hubspot.com/ – One of the best B2B Search and social media updates. While you are there check out one of the awesome tool, which can grade your website for free: http://marketing.grader.com/

http://www.kaushik.net/avinash/ – For those who don’t know about Avinash, he is the Analytics Guru. Watch his Videos, you will be amazed. And don’t forget his 2 books: Web Analytics 2.0 and Web Analytics an hour a day

http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/ – Matt Cutts, one of our all time favorite, a Google engineer, He also has his videos in Google webmaster central You Tube Channel

http://www.distilled.net/blog/ – SEO Blog

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