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A Free Guide to finding the Best Digital Marketing Courses in India in 2020

With so many digital marketing institutes in every corner, especially in Bangalore, are promising Guaranteed 100% Placements, Free tools worth Rs 75,000, Become Master in 2 months. You know its not that easy, digital marketing just like any other marketing takes time, hard work, dedication and a lot of patience to even get started. But the challenge is choosing the Best Digital marketing training institute!









The question is how to find the right Digital Marketing training institute?

Well, the answer is Research, References, Reviews & Ratings and various other factors:

Start here & prep yourself

How to choose the best digital marketing training institute in Bangalore?

1. List down your career objective, why you want to do this course? what would you like to achieve? Example- Confidence, Interacting with an agency, Should be able to clear interviews, move up the career path

2. Would you prefer online or offline? Your work, life schedule, and time you can allocate, weekend, weekdays, flexibility at work/home. List down how much time you can dedicate

3. Distance travel time, how much time you are ready to travel. consider traffic and realistic distance and the commitment

4. Would you like to get trained from the ground up? Basic, advanced, or both. List them down

5. Any specific topic you like to be focused on

6. Budget – how much of funds you can allocate to invest in yourself. Everything comes with a cost, A decent course from decent training institutes costs anywhere from Rs 25,000 to 3 Lacs. Please Do NOT take up any cheap course, we have had students take up that course and come to us for practical knowledge.

7. Budget if the course fee is 1 Lac, consider these expenses too, travel, get together, dining. Keep an additional 50,000. Keep in mind this is an investment for your future career, plan ahead and investment should yield you returns down the lane

8. Support from family, spouse, friends – (This will take you a long way)

9. The method of learning. Are you open to learning?

10. Open-mindedness is the key. When it comes to learning the more open and less ego the more you will learn.

11. Questions to ask the counselor.

12. How many students in a batch, when is the next batch starting, any qualification, formalities to register, documents required to join

What to Look for to find the best digital marketing training institute/courses?

  1. Word of mouth
  2. Students reviews/ Students feedback – Can you get phone number of alumni
  3. What kind of profile are the alumni into after completion of the course?
  4. Do the alumni and students stay current for example Live videos, LinkedIn Profiles
  5. What they share in their personal social media profiles
  6. How is the Institute website, Social media presence latest Facebook update, do they educate everyone too or just their students
  7. Review of faculties. Background of the faculties. Look for their profiles in LinkedIn, Quora and other channels
  8. Blog – When was their recent blog post. Is it useful or they are writing for the sake of writing
  9. Flexibility – If you missed any classes how are they going to help you catch up?
  10. Teaching methodology
  11. Infrastructure – including cleanliness – A/C, comfortable chairs, Restrooms, Wi-fi
  12.  Are you allowed to use the facility to practice
  13. Practicals – Live projects
  14. Alumni network – Do you get access to the alumni
  15. Apart from classes what are they involved which will give exposure to you like connecting with an industry leader, how well they are connected in the industry
  16. Partnership with others. Conference, meetups, speaking engagements. Example- Social media week partners
  17. Mentorship after the course the support for you
  18. Certifications
  19. Which companies the alumni work for, what is their average salary, their current role
  20. Exposure for you like an internship
  21. Learning Environment – Friendly, traditional
  22. What will they do to build confidence
  23. How do the faculties keep up to date

The action now: Decision Time

Visit, Talk to alumni, Go see the FB page, Other activities (Podcast, Live Videos, Presentations, Socialising)

But to simplify the process here is a cheat sheet for you. Use this to compare different institutes, advantages, disadvantages. A Guide to finding the right institute Yourself. Free download PDF: http://bit.ly/2KdAHqP

Also, find all of my QUORA answers related to #DigitalMarketing: https://www.quora.com/profile/Suresh-Babu

Once you shortlisted a few institutes, talk to them, walk into the institute and talk to a few current students and get an idea to make an informed decision.

What is the Scope of Digital Marketing in India?

  1. There are some 13,000 jobs available for digital marketing in India – Digital Marketing Jobs in India – June 2017
  2. Career path where a Marketing Head/CMO Vice presidents and chief marketing officers with 18-20 years’ experience are paid Rs 70 lakh to Rs 1.5 crore a year, and mid-level executives such as project managers Rs 15-25 lakh a year, according to TeamLease data. Times of India: Mid-level salaries in e-commerce companies at par with senior executives’ at IT companies: Study | Gadgets Now

Average Marketing Manager Salaries in United States Marketing Manager Salaries in the United States

Your current situation:

Everywhere you search for a marketing job, employers are looking for either skill in digital marketing or certificate in Google Adwords etc

At your work, the marketing department, sales, and agencies – everyone is using these jargons like SEO, Paid Media, New Media, Ad Rank, Conversion rate, quality score. You feel you have left behind and the fear that if “I don’t learn these things, my job will be under risk and my future career is uncertain”

You want to be that go-to person for all new things in your industry, the traditional marketing you are good but when it comes to digital and social media, you are left behind.

Your company wants you to pitch a client, you tried to pitch but the client asks you that the competitors are using Snapchat extensively and see their company all over Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and wherever they go online. They ask you how to do the same.

Tip: Remarking or Retargeting, you struggle to explain the concept of remarketing, deep down you know you have to learn how remarketing works and all the new things. Your confidence level is not up to par. Fear of losing Job soon ??!

My friend, there is Hope!

Yes, as crazy it may sound, digital marketing and social media are not rocket science and it’s not easy either, with the basic understanding of the concepts and with strong foundation anyone can get started, depending upon your interest level you can enhance your career in Digital.

Here’s how, Bhavana who had around 3 years of experience in sales and marketing, wanted to apply for a new job and she realized that #digitalmarketing is one of the basic skills today to survive and grow in the market, she was not technically savvy, she was wondering whether she can learn these skills visited WMA and we explained what it requires

(You don’t need to be technically savvy, or know HTML to learn Digital Marketing) learned the basics, implemented new media concepts showed passion and interest now she now works with 3M as the digital marketing strategist.

More stories like this can be found here: YouTube Web Marketing Academy

You got started! But is it enough?

Now that you know that no other way, you start to look for training institutes or online and you tried to learn by yourself. Great! and you watched some videos online, followed some blogs, and signed up for Lynda and several other courses even great! Something tells you that you are still not confident, what is it? why

The Need

You realized by now you need formal training or a mentor who can guide you in the right direction, by this time you also decided that online classes are not an option.

The Search

And there it is Google, you searched came across several institutes with Google ads, local, in Delhi, everywhere You are so aggressive you want to do the course Now excited,
(sometimes you don’t want to show that excitement to your friends or colleagues too 🙂 which is fine)

The Challenge:

With so many institutes claiming we are the best, top, our faculties, so many students 10,000, 20,000 students trained and placed everyone claims to the best, but who really is the best Digital Marketing training institute in Bangalore? you don’t know yet.

More Searches….

And then you tried searching in Quora, forums, LinkedIn groups, and of course Google, hoping someone would have written about the top 10 institutes, comparing the advantages of each institute

But you are still confused

I know how you feel, I have gone thru it too, patience my friend, there is hope

So here is the thing, those who give the review or comparing institutes are wrong? No they give their opinion based on a number of what they have seen, heard and it’s their personal opinion, my suggestion is to consider the opinion but you do your own research which suits you. The person who reviews or compares has not undergone training in all these institutes or did they?

You still don’t have a solid answer

Everyone says, Google has got all the answers but it’s not solving your pain points.

Schedule an appointment with Shwetha 8792299538 to find out if WMA is the right  digital marketing training institute for YOU

Bonus: While you are researching, here is a detailed beginners step by step guide to Digital marketing: http://bit.ly/DMguide2018 

And here are the video reviews of Web Marketing Academy, Indira Nagar Bangalore: 

More Useful Blogs:

  1. Free Digital Marketing Resources
  2. Why is Digital Marketing in High Demand